
Acne Scarring 

Sadly, having spotty skin feels bad enough without the scarring that breakouts can leave behind. Before trying to manage scars it is crucial  that the acne is being correctly treated and that a long term management plan is in place.

Any type of acne spot can lead to scarring, but it’s more common when the most serious types of spots (nodules and cysts) burst and damage nearby skin.

It can also occur if you pick or squeeze your spots, so it’s important not to do this.

Before you try to treat your scars, it’s important to know what type they are. Each type responds to treatment differently, and some treatments are better for particular types than others.

There are  3 main types of acne scars:

  • ice pick scars – small, deep holes in the surface of your skin that look like the skin has been punctured with a sharp object.
  • rolling scars – caused by bands of scar tissue that form under the skin, giving the surface of the skin a rolling and uneven appearance
  • boxcar scars – round or oval depressions, or craters, in the skin.


It has to be said that scars caused by acne are difficult to treat. Microdermabrasion, Skin  needling and skin peeling along with small volumes of dermal filling agents directly into the scarring have all been used to reduce the overall depth of scars and to tighten the skin. More recently laser resurfacing  has been used for the same purpose.

Most treatments will NOT eradicate the scar completely and at best will give moderate improvement but can improve the overall appearance, boosting collagen and thereby making the skin smoother and more light reflective.

A thorough consultation is required to discuss options for management. 

EDS Microneedling

Skin Resurfacing

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